INMED South Africa is committed to empowering youth, women, and individuals with disabilities by providing opportunities to develop marketable skills and achieve economic and social self-sufficiency.
We offer training and assistance on establishing and maintaining a commercial aquaponics system and help them identify and sell their produce and value-added products to lucrative markets.
Additionally, our Health in Action Break Time Buddies program provides training and jobs for unemployed youth who have completed high school. These “Break Time Buddies” lead fun and engaging activities on nutrition, physical activity, and healthy lifestyles during daily recess time at over 100 schools. To read one of our success stories, click here.
Enterprise Development And Inclusion
INMED’s programs focus on socio-economic and enterprise development principles that address high levels of unemployment, poverty, inequality, and skills shortage. Our programs have effectively equipped youth, women, disadvantaged farmers, and individuals with disabilities with the knowledge and technologies required to grow flourishing agricultural enterprises resilient to climate change. You can read about how we have empowered women in the Northern Cape by clicking here.
Our 3-pillar model of technical training, access to affordable financing, and links to markets enable emerging entrepreneurs of varying abilities to launch sustainable agribusinesses. To learn more about our projects for disabled farmers in Free State, click here.